The Loyola Notre Dame Library is reserved for the primary use of the students, faculty,
and staff of Loyola University Maryland and Notre Dame of Maryland University.
Visitors from other colleges, as well as the general public are welcome, but must
present a picture ID.
Library use is restricted to only Loyola and Notre Dame students during final exam
With the exception of licensed service animals, pets/animals are not allowed in the
All library users are subject to the terms of the LNDL Library Patron Agreement.
Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult with a valid ID at all
LNDL Library Patron Agreement
Library users will:
Present valid identification upon entrance to the library.
Respect the rights of others to quiet or uninterrupted use of the library.
Refrain from damaging library resources.
Respect loan periods for resources.
Report destruction, theft, or misuse of resources to staff immediately.
Abide by the LNDL Food and Beverage Policy
Prohibited in library:
Illegal copying of resources
Unauthorized removal of resources from the library
Destruction of library resources or building
Alcohol/controlled substances
Weapons possession
Animals, unless licensed service animal
LNDL Food and Beverage Policy
Small snacks and covered beverages are permitted in the library (i.e., chips, cookies,
crackers, covered coffee, water bottles)
No food or beverages are allowed in the Archives & Special Collections area located
on the third floor of the library.
Food that may be messy (i.e. pizza, subs, or takeout) is not permitted in the library.
Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in the library.
Waste from food must be placed into proper trash and recycling cans.
If an item is spilled, immediately alert a Library staff member at the Help Desk.
Interpretation of this policy is at the discretion of the library staff.